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Thursday, January 3, 1980

Download Lagu Gratis

After the tour, even pacing. Be worthwhile to listen to some songs that can refresh tired minds and release the shackle of this soul. Local band no less great with a top band. Haven't to compare these bands with the judge could only bring ordinary song. But we must thumbs-up for children's creativity Bantaeng who were able to compete with other bands.

the song is meant that


LA Light Cool Break

BGallery Band

World Cup

Music Fest Competition


Bantaeng Kupariati

Album Terbaru Makassar Variatif


Koleksi Daerah Irama Baru
Makassar 2007-2008 (Ridwan Sau)

Koleksi Daerah Irama Baru
Makassar 2008-2009 (Ridwan Sau)

Udhyn Panzel - Bonthain

Songs for NY


dennis said...

izin download..

dwi said...

langsung sedot gan, thx dah share

Ully Muhammad Ja'far said...

tolong d' upload lagu " jalarambanna bantaeng" yah!!!... ane tunggu yah!!!

Unknown said...

silakan gan
smoga bermanfaat

@Ully Ja'far...
sry br liat comment na...
sgra di upload...sabar ya


Cheap SEO said...

Very effective article post. It was really very helpful. Thanks for sharing.

Razak Invinity said...

terus berkarya anak bantaeng....

Joyce B said...

I really enjoyed the diverse range of music mentioned in this blog post.

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Thankz atas comment-nya...jangan bosan tuk mampir

Bantaeng terletak di sebelah selatan Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan
dengan jarak tempuh 120 Kilometer dari kota Makassar. Dapat ditempuh dalam waktu 2 jam perjalanan dari Makassar dengan mengendarai mobil atau sepeda motor
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